Short film: 16:38 min, year 2015 An introduction to the world of primitive animation. With wondrously moving mechanisms, made from a typewriter, wood, rope and other materials, theatre maker and visual artist Jaime Ibanez manages to translate his stories into a primitive form of animation. The musical film narrative of a selection of these tragicomic and absurdist stories is shown in conjunction with SIGN. In a surprising way, filmmaker Douwe Dijkstra has managed to translate the performance into a form for the silver screen, and multi-instrumentalist Jornt Duyx has taken responsibility for the musical compositions to accompany it. This extraordinary collaboration between image, performance, film and music is expressed in an original, dynamic set of short films.
Credits: Concept, maker and performer: Jaime Ibanez, Cinematography, videoediting, Sound design: Jornt Duyx, Production: Gallerie Sign
Thanks: Zeebelt, Feikes Huis, Kunstraad Groningen, Roode of Burgerweeshuis. photo: Douwe Dijkstra
The Primitive Animation Part B